воскресенье, 21 ноября 2010 г.

Call for sessions and presentations for the Sixth International Conference of Critical Geography August 16 - 20, 2011 in Frankfurt (Germany)


In the contemporary world, where urban development is a driving force of capital accumulation, conceptions of crisis are linked to understandings of urban conditions. Organizers of the ‘urban crisis’ theme therefore welcome proposals for especially panel sessions and also individual contributions addressing urban issues from various critical perspectives within the context of the 'crisis'—broadly but radically defined. We encourage a diversity of creative formats for this theme, to draw together scholars and activists, and explore a variety of presentation formats beyond the norms of professional conferences. We invite contributions that expose actual urban problems, reveal their spatiotemporal dimensions and reflect on their possible developments. Moreover, we are interested in concepts, methodologies and theories that explain urban realities. But equally important are contributions that propose transformative alternatives to them. The issues to be discussed under this theme will include—but not limited to—poverty, housing, mobility, environment and ecology, architecture and urban planning, film, art and culture, gentrification, colonization, imperialism, everyday life and the right to the city.

Theme coordinators: Anders Lund Hansen, Kanishka Goonewardena & Anne Vogelpohl





Please submit your proposals by January 10, 2011


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